Healing Relationships Damaged by Addiction: Serenity Vista’s Holistic Approach
The US is about to celebrate Thanksgiving. From John & Jane at Serenity Vista, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Another opportunity to be grateful for all we have. It is especially important at this time of serious geopolitical, macroeconomic, and health related concerns. In spite of such issues, practicing acceptance reminds us that even now, there is much to be grateful for.
The 'attitude of gratitude', fostered by 'being grateful', changes everything.
"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change."
Wayne Dyer
Sobriety, first, followed by the twelve step promises coming true manifest in various forms of community, family, relationships, activity, and life itself. Yes, even today.
For many, especially our American friends where Thanksgiving marks the begining of the holiday season. Added to the underlying concerns of the pandemic or political unrest, Thanksgiving can add stress for recovering alcoholics or addicts, and those in active addiction alike. Why? It’s about our families. Many in active addiction have core issues that stem from the family past.
Don't take your Thanksgiving sobriety lightly! Awareness is key to taking care of yourself. There are steps you can take to look after your sobriety through the holidays.
It’s no great mystery that the holidays create a certain amount of stress for everyone, especially those struggling with addiction. Family gatherings can create a plethora of emotions. This creates a firestorm for the addict. Your awareness of this is the first, fundamental step that allows you to take notice of how you look after your sobriety.
If you’ve already been to rehab and are in recovery, you should be on guard. These 37 Tips are a good starting point. Maybe the best is #2, and it goes for active addicts and alcoholics as well: Have realistic expectations. They are your family, you are aware of their behavior. If you’re sober, you have changed but they haven’t.
It may be best to avoid the holiday gatherings altogether if it may lead to a relapse or increased drug and alcohol use. If you are in active addiction, this may be the best time to consider an holistic addiction treatment rehab with experienced leadership.
Turning to drugs or alcohol won’t make the holidays any less stressful. If history has taught you anything, your addiction only makes things worse.
Addiction treatment will help you live the tools to make Thanksgiving next year a truly grateful time of year.
Yes, Thanksgiving is a special day in our families and cultures. But never lose sight of the fact that Thanksgiving, like all holidays, is also just another day. In recovery we learn to live life on life's terms, one day at a time (ODAAT). Recovery always comes first. Remember, 'if recovery doesn't come first, nothing comes second'.
If this Thanksgiving falls on your one of your usual meeting days, go to your meeting! If you are feeling down, in a 'funk', out of sorts, feeling left out, feeling like you 'have to' go to that stressful family gathering, feeling irritated by family politics, or whatever.... go to a meeting!
Go join in the family get together for a while after your meeting. It may actually feel enjoyable. If during the gathering you feel stressed to the point that the thought of a glass of wine or beer seems appealing, get out of there and call your sponsor. The best gift you can give your loved ones is a healthy you! Do whatever you have to to protect your sobriety - even if it isn't 'popular'. Sobriety isn't a popularity contest.
Your addiction never takes holidays, so your recovery focus shouldn't either! Remember to fit your life into your recovery - NOT your recovery into your life. That means holidays and special occassions too. Fit them into your recovery, not the other way around! A very important concept to remember!
Why not? There is nothing wrong with spending the holidays in rehab. It may just help you be here next year to celebrate sober. It may be the best gift you give your family.
Serenity Vista is one of the top rated private addiction treatment centers internationally. We’ve received glowing endorsements from not only past guests but also top individuals in the addiction counseling field. We accept an absolute maximum of six guests at a time, usually 2 to 4. This means you get the highest degree of individual attention, with outstanding success rates. One of the highest professional staff to client ratios in the world.
Get the best professional, individualized help available, help you need and deserve, before it’s too late. The very best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. The deepest form of gratitude, of life itself.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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