Healing Relationships Damaged by Addiction: Serenity Vista’s Holistic Approach
Bid 4 Boquete is now ramping up for its annual community activity, Chiriqui’s biggest charity fundraiser. Donors and volunteers representing the Panamanian, expat (Canadian and American), and indigenous populations once again are banding together to raise money to support charitable and civic organizations in the greater Boquete area of Chiriqui province in the Republic of Panama, Central America.
Serenity Vista is grateful to be welcomed into the beautiful, vibrant community of Boquete, Panama, and would like to give back through a donation of service to Bid 4 Boquete. Boquete has been welcoming and embracing of Serenity Vista opening and developing world class rehab in this beautiful part of amazing Panama. Giving back and being a part of the community is an important value held by Serenity Vista, fostered by feelings of gratitude.
Bid 4 Boquete is a community expression of giving and caring in a responsible way that resonates with the mission of Serenity Vista. We learn in recovery from addiction that it is in giving that we receive, and it is in giving that we receive. These are universal spiritual principles that are embodied in twelve step recovery and the philosophy of holistic healing from alcoholism and other addiction at Serenity Vista.
Proceeds from all activities benefit five major organizations: Amigos de Animales de Boquete (spay and neuter clinics for dogs and cats), Buenos Vecinos de Boquete (food outreach for elderly, handicapped, and impoverished persons), Club de Leones de Boquete (a leading force behind the establishment and furnishing of the new Boquete library), Fundacion Pro-Integracion Handicap Center (services for area handicapped individuals), and the Rotary Club (student scholarships and support of area schools).
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