Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
Current world events like the 4th of July, Canada Day, and the historic Brexit vote are making headlines in the news. This is the perfect time to re-evaluate the meaning of independencein the context of independence from addiction.Independence Day, for example, signals fireworks and family cookouts. For others, it stands for a proud and patriotic sovereignty. Some see it as an earned day off. But no matter the vast differences surrounding the phrase "Independence Day," they all share a common theme. They all represent hard-earned freedom, autonomy, and the power to choose one's own path.Likewise, Canada Day is recognized as an important and independent step toward becoming the united, individual, and free country that Canada is today.The ink is not yet fully dry on the Brexit verdict. But most recognize it as Britain’s expressed desire to choose their own destiny for themselves.
What does all this talk of independence and nations have to do with addiction? Plenty. At Serenity Vista, an international drug and alcohol rehab retreat, we deal in independence on an international scale. Our mission is help people around the globe achieve freedom from drug addiction and alcoholism. And our record of success speaks for itself.With more than 40 years of addiction treatment experience, we know that addictions don’t respect any demographic including international borders. Whether alcoholism, opioid,nicotine or other drug addiction, sex or pornography, gambling or codependency, there are no international boundaries. We know that men and women across the globe are susceptible to substance abuse and addiction. And we’re here to help them break free, and declare their independence from addiction.
When it comes to helping others achieve freedom from addiction, we areindeed a world-class program. We offerthe tools for the recovery paradox of surrendering to win. We offer guidance in the paradox of victory in defeat. We offer a tried and true formula, applied individually. Our programs deliver a deep, complete, and lasting treatment, that, one day at a time, works. And we offer addicts a peace and sovereignty that only comes with sobriety.Whether one’s looking for the best drug rehab in the U.S., Europe, Canada, or anywhere else in the world, they all dream of independence. All people desire it, regardless of their country or ethnicity. Sadly, addictive impulse makes it impossible to achieve. But once thedeeply personal battle is set down, independence, through surrender to a greater power, is the greatest hard-won prize of all.Dependence on a substance or a behaviour of negative consequence, by contrast, is an intolerable state. Most addicts want to escape these chains - but on their own devices cannot. Addiction shackles and lords over the addict, enslaving him or her.
Because addiction is a stateless affliction, we open our doors to addicts and alcoholics from all corners of the globe. We honor and respect our guests' differences. And we know that what works for some, may not work for others. So we offer a range of treatment options, including personal and customized care.If you’re struggling with alcohol or drug dependence, and searching for something deeper, we are here to help you find it. If you’re looking for a path out of the darkness, contact us today and make a declaration of independence.View our testimonial & review gallery. Hear first hand from people of all walks of life and nations who have found their freedom and transformed their lives at Serenity Vista.
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