Embrace Your Soul's Awakening at Serenity Vista: A Journey of Radical Recovery
Oh, that elusive happiness. For many alcoholics and addicts, a very brief time of happiness, well-being and even euphoria, came from the use of a substance. For the codependent person this feeling may have come from perceived (and also brief) success at controlling and manipulating another person or situation. And then the chase to regain that feeling is on.
Sometimes that chase will lead an addict or codependent person right into the graveyard.Desiring happiness is a normal and instinctual drive in every human being. What happens for people in caught in the cycle of addiction or alcoholic homes is that this instinct goes awry. And very badly so! The perception of happiness for someone gripped in the illness of addiction is almost always based on something external. The next bottle or pill, or for the codependent, finding and destroying the discovered stash, is sure to bring relief. But it never does.
Drinking never made me happy. It made me feel like I would be happy in 15 minutes. ~ anon
This form of twisted thinking never gives the desired state of mind and being – or if it does, it is but a fleeting moment. Common beliefs among people caught in the cycle of addictive thinking is that their misery and pain, their life circumstances are not their fault. We call it victimization. “If only he would stop drinking, I wouldn’t have such a miserable life.” “My parents were drunks, its genetic, I can never stop drinking.” “My business partner cheated me out of my share. I’m bankrupt because of him, and that is why my wife left me”. If only, if only, if only….Victimhood is the friend of the alcoholic/addict/codependent because it gives an excuse, a reason beyond their control, to keep acting in the same ways, over and over and over.
Everything and everyone else is to blame. And they’ll tell you about it too, in very convincing stories that they really really believe. They should believe them, because they have told them so many times.Then something happens. In AA we call it a psychic change, a spiritual awakening, a new pair of glasses, altered attitudes – recovery. Sometimes this can happen spontaneously, but more usually it is a gradual change that happens as a result of immersion in a 12 Step recovery process. Victimization vanishes. People really really see that they were never victims, but that they were volunteers.
This changes everything. What a great moment of relief for someone when they realize that they are responsible for their own thoughts, their own feelings, and their own actions. They aren’t subject to the changing whims of other people or circumstance. WOW! This is the beginning of true freedom.
This is a profound teaching and many people need help to really get it. A skilled therapist and empathetic counselor who understand alcoholic or other addictive thinking can make the process easier. Giving yourself the full immersion process of a good holistic residential or inpatient treatment for codependency, alcohol, nicotine or other drug addiction is an incredible gift that you will share with not just your loved ones, but the whole world.
At Serenity Vista Addiction & Codependency Retreat Rehab in Panama, that feeling of well-being sometimes comes immediately. Serenity Vista is the top rehab for happiness. The relief that you are in good hands with people that care and understand is a great start. For sure, drug rehab programs are not fun, and they are not easy. It is really hard work to examine a life-time of twisted thinking and actions and their consequences.
However the rewards are infinite. A green and fresh environment, a loving chocolate Labrador retriever dog, fresh tropical fruits and vegetables, cool mountain breezes and fun activities make an incredible difference. Rehab is no vacation, but it doesn’t have to be bunk beds, class rooms and cafeterias either. Consider private-pay quality rehabilitation. You are not a victim, you are a volunteer, get the help you deserve and the time you need to learn to find your happiness within. Come to the best rehab for happiness.
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