Embrace Your Soul's Awakening at Serenity Vista: A Journey of Radical Recovery
If you are actively misusing alcohol or other drugs you know about the day of the dead. That’s the day that comes to any addict who might be reading this blog. That day when you look in the mirror and your eyes are two dark spaces of void. Usually, in active addiction, a person avoids eye contact in the mirror. It is too painful. But…there will come a time when your eyes will meet that empty black darkness in your eyes. That is the day of reckoning – the day of the dead.
For a large part of the world, the acknowledgment of day of the dead is variously between October 31, November 1 and November 2. Historically this is a time when people consciously and purposely recognize the shadow side and bring it out of the darkness. The illumination of the dark aspects of ourselves and the bringing forward of it dispels the obscurity. The power of the darkness is fractured. One spiritual teacher wrote The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Notice this is written in present tense, because it is always true. Hallowe'en and recovery - darkness or light.
The same forces are at play in addiction recovery. Active addiction always feels most at home in the dark. Drawn curtains, unanswered texts and phone calls, attempts to shield self and others from the truth. Lies, deceptions, manipulations, shame, guilt and remorse. These emotions reside furthest away from the light of love and pure spirit. If you are willing to make eye contact with reality, there is an opportunity to move towards the warm glowing hearth of recovery. Acceptance is the key here.Acceptance is recognizing and admitting what is really going on, in opposition of what you wish was going on. A great example of this comes from Scott H. who says in meetings,
I would have thrown myself in front of a bus to save my kids. But I didn’t have the time of day to play ball with them in the back yard.
The lie is that the kids were the most important thing in his life, and he would lay down his life for them. The truth is that in active addiction any form of love, compassion, empathy and quality interpersonal time with those kids was impossible. When the brain is hijacked, there is no other place to go but to satisfy the craving. Dark and sordid places.
With recovery, we strive to celebrate each day with living. Really living. Unmasked, unshameful, not fearful or guilty. Working a program of recovery will move you into the sunshine. Honesty, integrity, generosity, reliability, love, and kindness will replace the dark emotions, thoughts, and actions of active addiction. One of the greatest joys for a person working a program of recovery is seeing the light come back on in another alcoholic's or addict's eyes. It sounds corny, but we hear the proverbial hallelujah chorus.
At Serenity Vista we offer you the opportunity to really face the truth in a safe, empathetic and supportive environment. There is no judgment here, nothing we haven’t heard before. We will lay out the kit of spiritual tools and demonstrate how to use them, by example and connection with you. It is not easy work, but the birthing process never is.Hallowe'en or the Day of the Dead comes only once a year. Can you imagine all the other days, living in the light? Halloween and recovery.
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