Seeking Rehab Outside North America? Discover Serenity Vista Addiction Recovery Retreat in Panama for Expats and High-Functioning Adults
With the dawning of each new day, the active drug addict oralcoholic faces a painful reality. Each has his or her own version of darkness, each with a twisted series of repeated struggles and suffering. But despite the pain, shadows, and despair that define active addiction, the light of recovery is over the horizon. With knowledge comes power. The following facts are several empowering examples:
Addiction drives people into the shadows. There, lonely and hopeless, it’s easy to tell yourself that the world has forsaken you. But it’s just not true. There are many people devoted to lifting you up and helping you heal. It’s not an easy road, nor is it one that you must travel by yourself. Lift your head, look to the light, and there you will find wise guides, like minds, and helping hands. You are not alone.
The greatest gift we can give is the gift of ourselves when we are at our best. As with some of the most creative contributors this world has known, addiction robs the Earth of its most talented souls. Incredible people from artists to actors, athletes to inventors struggled with addiction their entire lives. Like you, these great minds sought substances to either escape pain or satiate their lust for life. And too many burnt out or died young without living to their fullest potential. You too have marvelous gifts to give, and for you it’s not too late to get yourself clean.
Your addiction is the current state you are in – but it’s not who you are. Addict does not define you. You are amazing inside and capable of great things. Like everyone, you are imperfect and prone to mistakes. Alongside the whole of humanity, you are a marvelous work in progress. You may have sunk into the mud of active addiction, but you are not the mud. Like those who have come before you, you can emerge from it and learn to wash it off. Right now, although it covers you, it does not define you.
“I’ll get sober someday,” is that passive and false phrase which drives theaddict deeper into the hole. Many forgo recovery, riding on the false hope that “someday” the stars will align or that the rock bottom will finally rise up to meet them and they’ll have no choice but to seek treatment. But the reality is someday never comes. Always in survival mode, the typical addict walks a razor’s edge their entire lives. Unless addicts commit themselves fully - right here and now - to getting help and overcoming their addiction, that day will never come.
Active addiction requires active treatment. Recovery for the alcoholic or addict is not a matter of luck or chance, and it’s not enough to just let it happen or wish for it. To achieve freedom from addiction, you have to make it happen!Serenity Vista international private alcohol & drug rehab will guideyou to make it happen and manifest in your life. Addiction recovery forpowerful real changethat will be a real gift to you and your loved ones.Reach out today and make your commitment to complete life transformation!Signup for our inspirational newsletter, "Addiction to Recovery":
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