Embrace Your Soul's Awakening at Serenity Vista: A Journey of Radical Recovery
Our intern Jim is settling into the routine of the program, learning the best route to the 12 Step meeting, and the best Boquete coffee. These are priorities you know, AA Meetings and good coffee. In all seriousness, Jim is learning about the differences between Serenity Vista, and some other drug rehab and alcohol treatment centers in the United States of America. Read about Jim's first impressions when he arrived at Serenity Vista. Noticing that different rehab programs can be very different, Jim points out characteristics of the best drug rehab.
I have been focusing, among other things, on what differentiates Serenity Vista from other facilities of which I have intimate knowledge. Pretty glaring from the second I arrived.I remember the feelings I experienced upon arrival with my family in tow at a well respected facility in the United States. Several hours of driving, awkward silences, tears and finally arrival.
Check-in was conducted in a building separate from housing or the treatment center. It seemed like hours of waiting and pages of insurance forms to complete. There was the finance arrangements for the portions of services rendered not covered by insurance.
That being completed, my next move was to walk from check-in across campus, past housing. Here during the evenings and weekends residents gathered to get fresh air, chat, whatever, killing time until their next assigned event.
Walking past them, dragging my luggage, chin touching my chest, wife and kids following behind, was what the residents called “the walk of shame”. If you weren’t in serious need of treatment before you arrived, you certainly were before you even got to your room.
How refreshing here at Serenity Vista Retreat. You land at the small airport at David, Panama. Exiting the plane on the old push out ramp you are greeted with a blast of warm tropical air.
Jane and John are there waiting for you with open arms and a warm greeting to Panama and Serenity Vista. A short ride, comparatively speaking, and you arrive at the “campus” of Serenity Vista. You know in your heart this will be a different kind of experience.
Check-in is more like a welcome, quick, efficient, and focused on getting you as comfortable as possible with your home for the weeks to follow.
From David to the mountains of Boquete, the temperature has dropped 10 degrees during that short ride to a spring like environment.
Serenity Vista Recovery Retreat welcome their new guests into their beautiful and comfortable living space, vs an "intake" of a new patient or client. It just feels right.
Stay tuned for Jim's further adventures. Right now he is busy doing some of the written assignments Serenity Vista gives the guests, and enjoying the grand film library.If you have been to rehab treatment for addiction before, you know what some places are like out there.
If you want the best drug rehab experience, and desire real change in your life in a beautiful, welcoming, respectful environment, Serenity Vista is for you. Consider travel to the tropics, the lush green land of beautiful Panama, to a warm greeting and embrace, fresh flowers in your bedroom and an enthusiastic welcome from Ceiba our adorable chocolate retriever dog.
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